/ Price Assessments

Platts Carbon Credit Assessments

What are Platts Carbon Credit Assessments
Building on the launch of the Platts CEC, interest in the voluntary carbon credit market has continued to evolve. Not only are buyers looking to offset carbon emissions, but there has also been an increased focus on how those emissions are offset, which has led to a surge in demand credits generated by nature-based and community-based projects. Platts suite of carbon credit assessments will provide a comprehensive picture of prices in the swiftly developing global voluntary carbon credits market.
Platts Carbon Credit Assessments Heards
May 10 2024

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1504 Auckland time: NZU heard offered at NZD 57/mtCO2e for 2,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic heard offered at AUD 34.50/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU HIR heard offered at AUD 34.75/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU HIR heard bid at AUD 33.50/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic heard bid at AUD 33/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic December 2024 traded at AUD 34.96/mtCO2e on May 9 for 63,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic December 2024 traded at AUD 34.96/mtCO2e on May 9 for 63,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1429 Auckland time: NZU heard offered at NZD 55.25/mtCO2e for 5,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1429 Auckland time: NZU heard bid at NZD 54.50/mtCO2e for 5,000 mt; source: trader

May 09 2024

PLATTS CARBON: [heard before close]: Household Devices (Cookstove) credits sourced from Africa heard at a $1/mtCO2e premium towards VCS certified Household Devices (Cookstove) credits sourced from India; source: developer

PLATTS CARBON: [heard before close]: GS certified Household Devices (Cookstove) credits sourced from India heard at a 50 cents/mtCO2e premium towards VCS certified Household Devices (Cookstove) credits sourced from India; source: developer

PLATTS CARBON: [heard before close]: Puro Earth certified biochar credits heard 10,000–15,000 mt indicatively valued at $120-150/mtCO2e; vintage: 2025+; delivery: 2025+, co-benefits: unspecified; region: Philippines; source: developer

PLATTS CARBON: [heard before close]: Puro Earth certified biochar credits heard less than 1,000 mt offered at Eur200/mtCO2e; vintage: 2023+; delivery: 2024, co-benefits: unspecified; region: Philippines; source: developer

PLATTS CARBON: [heard before close]: Puro Earth certified biochar credits heard 40,000 mt indicative offer level at $100-130/mtCO2e; vintage: 2024; delivery: 2024-2025, co-benefits: unspecified; region: unspecified; source: developer

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's NGEOv19 spot contract heard 5,000 t offered at $1.12/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's CGEO spot contract heard 7,000 t bid at $0.28/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's CGEO spot contract heard 7,000 t offered at $0.43/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's GEO spot contract heard 5,000 t offered at $0.52/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's NGEOv19 spot contract heard 5,000 t bid at $0.97/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's N-GEO spot contract heard 7,000 t bid at $0.37/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's N-GEO spot contract heard 7,000 t offered at $0.52/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's CGEO-TR spot contract heard 32,098 t offered at $0.35/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's NGEOv18 spot contract heard 1,000 t offered at $0.51/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's GEO spot contract heard 2,000 t bid at $0.40/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1200 GMT]: Xpansiv CBL's NGEOv18 spot contract heard 5,000 t bid at $0.37/t

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1000 GMT]: ACX’s GNA spot contract heard 6,000 t bid at $0.35/tCO2e

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1000 GMT]: ACX’s CET spot contract heard 2,000 t bid at $0.75/tCO2e

PLATTS CARBON: [heard 1000 GMT]: ACX’s GNB spot contract heard 2,000 t bid at $0.45/tCO2e;

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic without avoided deforestation heard offered at AUD 34.25/mtCO2e for 25,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic without avoided deforestation heard bid at AUD 33.25/mtCO2e for 25,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic tradable value heard at AUD 33.85/mtCO2e; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU HIR tradable value heard at AUD 34.35/mtCO2e; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic without avoided deforestation tradable value heard at AUD 33.85/mtCO2e; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1748 Auckland time: NZU heard bid at NZD 54.75/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: Jarden

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1748 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 55/mtCO2e for 25,000 mt; source: Jarden

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1748 Auckland time: NZU heard offered at NZD 55.25/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: Jarden

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic heard traded at AUD 33.85/mtCO2e on May 8 for 125,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1136 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 54.75/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1136 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 54.75/mtCO2e for 5,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1607 Auckland time: NZU heard offered at NZD 55/mtCO2e for 5,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1607 Auckland time: NZU heard bid at NZD 54.60/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1607 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 54.50/mtCO2e on May 8 for 10,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1607 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 54.50/mtCO2e on May 8 for 5,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1607 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 54.50/mtCO2e on May 8 for 5,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic without avoided deforestation February 2026 heard bid at AUD 37/mtCO2e for 25,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic heard offered at AUD 34.75/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic heard bid at AUD 33.25/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: ACCU Generic without avoided deforestation November 2025 heard traded at AUD 36.65/mtCO2e on May 8 for 50,000 mt; source: broker

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1530 Auckland time: NZU heard bid at NZD 54.25/mtCO2e for 10,000 mt; source: trader

PLATTS COMPLIANCE CARBON: Heard at 1530 Auckland time: NZU heard traded at NZD 55/mtCO2e for 5,000 mt; source: trader

Platts Carbon Credit Assessments Commentary

  • Platts Tech Carbon Capture gains $6/mtCO2e
  • Biomass burial carbon credits offered at $140/mtCO2e: source
  • Katingan credits heard traded at $4.30/mtCO2e: source

The majority of Platts’ voluntary carbon markets assessments remained unchanged on May 9, except the Platts Tech Carbon Capture Current Year price, which was assessed at $115/mtCO2e, gaining $6 on the day.

Platts heard a 10,000-15,000 mt batch of Puro.Earth-certified biochar credits indicatively valued at $120-$150/mtCO2e. The credits’ vintage was for 2025+ sourced from the Philippines.

Platts also heard Puro.Earth-certified biochar credits with a volume of less than 1,000 mt heard offered at Eur200/mtCO2e. The credits were also sourced from the Philippines but with 2023+ vintages.

Meanwhile, the nature-based removals side of the market remained stable on the day at $12.35/mtCO2e.

Platts heard after the market close on May 8 VCS-CCB Afforestation credits sourced from geographies across Latin America, excluding Uruguay, indicatively bid and offered at $11-$12/mtCO2e and $15/mtCO2e, respectively. The vintage of the bid and offer was 2019.

A source said, “I see loads of requests [for offers] but not [many] bids or trades.”

Biomass burial carbon credits were offered at $140/mtCO2e, said a source.

Platts heard an indicative value for Puro.Earth-certified Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage (BiCRS) credits at $140/mtCO2e with a vintage of 2023 and delivery in 2024, after the close on May 8.

BiCRS encompasses a range of novel carbon dioxide removal approaches, including biomass burial.

BiCRS can be more economical compared with other technologies and has a high carbon efficiency rate and permanence of 1,000 years, a US-based project developer explained.

However, the source said, “There is no marketplace right now.”

The source continued that they could develop a pathway for credits to be valued at sub $100/mtCO2e.

Vintage 2019 Katingan credits were heard traded at $4.30/mtCO2e, said a source.

Platts Nature-based Avoidance Current Year price was assessed at $3.80/mtCO2e, stable on the day.

According to sources, the market has remained subdued with lackluster trading activity and little demand.

“This market is so slow at the moment,” an Asia-based broker said.

During the afternoon trading session on May 8, Platts heard from a Europe-based trader of Katingan credits with a 2019 vintage trading at $4.30/mtCO2e. The source acknowledged the influx of offers seen in the market for Katingan credits, which was also indicated by multiple market participants over the trading week.

On May 6, Platts heard from a separate source of 50,000 mt equivalent credits indicatively offered at $4.70/mtCO2e. On May 1, Platts heard from a Europe-based brokerage of equivalent credits offered at $4.50/mtCO2e.

The first source added that Katingan credits with a 2019 vintage were at a 50 cents/mtCO2e premium towards equivalent Keo Seima credits from Cambodia, the same value reported by sources to Platts over the trading month.

Platts is part of S&P Global Commodity Insights.

*This summary (Heards and Prices) will be available for a limited time only.
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